John Deere PL4 fault codes / John Deere PL4 diagnostic trouble codes

NOTE:This page only indicates the meaning of the fault codes. For complete troubleshooting information, see the technical manuals.

PL4 002166.09 (PL4 2166.09)— Incorrect CAN Bus Message, Information from PL1 Control Software
The diagnostic trouble code is generated if a data transfer problem occurs between the PL4 control software and the PL1 control software. Reception of messages sent on the CAN Bus by the PL1 control software is intermittent or non-existent. This indicates an open circuit in the CAN Bus, a short circuit or faulty CAN Bus terminators.
Reaction of Control Software: Limited or no function of the control software.

PL4 002167.09 (PL4 2167.09)— Incorrect CAN Bus Message, Information from PL2 Control Software
The diagnostic trouble code is generated if a data transfer problem occurs between the PL4 control software and the PL2 control software. Reception of messages sent on the CAN Bus by the PL2 control software is intermittent or non-existent. This indicates an open circuit in the CAN Bus, a short circuit or faulty CAN Bus terminators.
Reaction of Control Software: Limited or no function of the control software.

PL4 002168.09 (PL4 2168.09)— Incorrect CAN Bus Message, Information from PL3 Control Software
The diagnostic trouble code is generated if a data transfer problem occurs between the PL4 control software andthe PL3 control software. Reception of messages sent on the CAN Bus by the PL3 control software is intermittent or non-existent. This indicates an open circuit in the CAN Bus, a short circuit or faulty CAN Bus terminators.
Reaction of Control Software: Limited or no function of the control software.

PL4 002190.09 (PL4 2190.09)— Incorrect CAN Bus Message, Information from PL1 Control Software
The diagnostic trouble code is generated if a data transfer problem occurs between the PL4 control software and the PL1 control software. Reception of messages sent on the CAN bus by the PL1 control software is intermittent or non-existent. This indicates an open circuit in the CAN bus, a short circuit or faulty CAN bus terminators.

PL4 002191.09 (PL4 2191.09)— Incorrect CAN Bus Message, Information from PL2 Control Software
The diagnostic trouble code is generated if a data transfer problem occurs between the PL4 control software and the PL2 control software. Reception of messages sent on the CAN bus by the PL2 control software is intermittent or non-existent. This indicates an open circuit in the CAN bus, a short circuit or faulty CAN bus terminators.

PL4 002192.09 (PL4 2192.09)— Incorrect CAN Bus Message, Information from PL3 Control Software
The diagnostic trouble code is generated if a data transfer problem occurs between the PL4 control software and the PL3 control software. Reception of messages sent on the CAN Bus by the PL3 control software is intermittent or non-existent. This indicates an open circuit in the CAN Bus, a short circuit or faulty CAN Bus terminators.
Reaction of the control software: Limited or no function of the control software.

PL4 516398.05 — Park Lock Solenoid 2 (DirectDrive Transmission), Current Too Low
This diagnostic trouble code is generated if the control software detects that the current value at the solenoid is too low. This may indicate an open circuit.